Only about 40% of the volunteers reached this target, but Jenkins says anyone can easily start adding some of these foods into their diet gradually.
But only narrowly: Cortés himself soon took an Indian lover, as did many of his men. Gradually Spaniards and Indians (and later blacks) blended to create a mongrel nation.
The banks are moving gradually, raising some local deposits to help fund lending there and not relying only on Japanese customers, but winning local clients too.
Leaving behind not only the people, but also the books read,the story in books would fall into pieces and their figures have become vague and indistinct gradually.
It has in fact been raising rates regularly since March last year, but only very gradually.
But most people start out with a life that's a mix of things that matter and things that don't, and only gradually learn to distinguish between them.
But the rules are unknown and the stakes high: this is a duel to the death, a fact only gradually revealed to its two main players.
It becomes an important form of news reporting gradually, which includes interpretive reporting, objective reporting and investigative reporting, not only in China, but in western countries as well.
But after watching this movie, I gradually liked this only bravely also slightly bringing the sly fat cat.
Because when I weep over, I will discover: Your ray of light always let me feel the existent meaning, but the sorrow will stay around the past time only gradually.
Smoking burns life the smokers was committed suicide gradually smoking not only harming the health of the smokers but caused health hazard to the passive smokers around the smoker as well.
China says it will gradually adopt a more flexible exchange rate policy, to keep its economy growing, but the yuan has strengthened only about 2.5 percent in recent months.
Gradually we are beginning to realize that we not only have been here quite a long time but that we are going to stay here almost indefinitely.
Its use follows from the belief that detention should be not only punitive but also reformative and that prisoners should be reintroduced gradually to living freely in society.
I am helpless, I know that time is cruel, but I could do nothing about it, I can only smile and watch them gradually into the memories, I cherish it now, cherish life now.
But the people gradually blurred, only a shadow.
But then the Chinese medicine was flawed, and it gradually lost the only status for thousands of years, so it retreated into the edge of our medical treatment system.
Many patients initially showed only forced on forced thinking, irrational thinking, but difficult to control, forced movements will gradually derived.
I continued this method some few years, but gradually left it, retaining only the habit of expressing myself in terms of modest diffidence.
But I also gradually learned at this age that love is but only a part of life.
Since the Eastern Han, Buddhism had gradually spread across China, exerting a tremendous influence upon not only Chinese traditional culture but also embroidery art.
But I also have gradually lost confidence in the future direction of the increasingly confused, I can only feel well today, but every day he gave disappointing.
In the beginning, I only painted patterns, but later I thought that form was also important, so I gradually found some fixed formal symbols from the five facial features.
People gradually realized that a human rescue is not only the means to achieve its objectives, but also the purpose of business.
As I incorporated walking into my schedule, not only were my spirits lifted, but my weight and blood pressure were gradually reduced.
It said Japan's economy had "fully recovered", but warned that in spite of vigorous growth, deflation was only waning gradually.
It said Japan's economy had "fully recovered", but warned that in spite of vigorous growth, deflation was only waning gradually.