But this would be the wrong answer. The real world is more complicated.
But I can tell you that the wrong answer is to pretend like this problem will go away if we maintain an unsustainable status quo.
But biofuels from crops specifically planted to be transformed into energy are clearly the wrong answer.
If you ask me my position on anything, I may give you the wrong answer, I may make a mistake, but I think I have the right filter.
In some business analytics use cases, the correct insight or answer, but provided late in a non-timely fashion, can often be considered the wrong answer.
There is rarely a wrong answer to this type of question, but quick-thinking candidates can turn the response into an opportunity to impress the employer.
Instead of taking that one vase, the thief could take two radios. And get more value. So the greedy thief, in some sense, gets the wrong answer. But maybe isn't so dumb.
It isn't always the right answer; but it's right more often than it's wrong; and in 2007, that will be more true than ever.
But this is a simple answer to the wrong question.
But there is no right or wrong answer. In all problems of this kind, the relevant measure is specific to the particular purpose you have in mind.
He did the sum but got the wrong answer.
Really? You sound so sure… but in fact you're wrong. The answer is actually Italy. Does that surprise you?
I thought my answer was wrong, but I guess I hit it on the nose.
A learner may get the answer right in terms of content, but wrong in terms of form or pronunciation.
If you make an etiquette mistake or use the wrong fork, don't draw attention to it; chances are no one will even notice. But they will remember an inappropriate comment or answer.
I thought my answer was right, but the result showed I am wrong.
I thought my answer was right, but the result showed I am wrong.