But he was laid off two months ago, and it has been impossible to find work since.
The two remaining (the other is also 86) sometimes chat to each other in Manchu. But Ms Zhao says the last time this happened was about four months ago.
I'm trying very hard to run a tight ship here, but that guy who was hired two months ago has been late almost every morning and one day took more than two hours for lunch.
Dai Yuhan, a 31-year-old mother and teacher whose familygave up meat two months ago, said: "It wasn't easy switching to avegetarian diet, but we felt it would be safer."
"I ought to have done this two months ago, " he told Astor, "but I wanted to get that bloody book finished."
General John Abizaid, the head of Central Command that oversees American strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan, all but rejected the idea of a "surge" of forces two months ago.
This is a letter I've often wanted to write to you, but I wouldn't have even thought about trying it now if it weren't for what my new mother-in-law told me you did at my wedding two months ago.
Two months ago, my uncle returned to his homeland: England but very soon, he left. He acted as if he had never lived in this country before.
Then you realize - it's the same email you received two months ago but from a different CEO.
YOHANES NAPIS: "Two months ago we already have participants from Bangladesh, but unfortunately we cannot accept them because this is actually the Southeast Asian English Olympics."
But since they started Posting his comments on a blog two months ago, the couple have been overwhelmed by its popularity.
The restaurant was opened only two months ago, "but business is already quite good."
The restaurant was opened only two months ago, "but business is already quite good."