The rubber matrix can be styrene butadiene rubber matrix or butyl rubber matrix.
The expansion dryer is the critical equipment for the finishing unit of butadiene rubber plant.
Butadiene rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber not polluting antioxidants, such as stabilizing agent.
The pyrolysis mechanism of nature rubber, isoprene rubber and butadiene rubber was analysis by pyrolysis production.
Produced by emulsion polymerization in a similar way to styrene-butadiene rubber processes, yielding both "hot" and "cold" rubbers.
A method of measuring thermoplastic styrene-butadiene rubber SBS (simply called SBS) crumb sample's physical performance is introduced.
Briefing production technology of Styrene -butadiene Rubber advancement, it analyzes domestic market demand of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber.
To analyze the market situation of polybutadiene rubber and butadiene in China and forecast the price tendency in the second-half of 2007.
Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) was cyclized with the aid of cationic catalyst system based on diethylaluminum chloride(Al) and benzyl chloride(RCl).
Features: able to endure the erosion of oil-resisting and non-polarity solvent heat isolation is better than the natural rubber and styrene butadiene rubber.
Styrene butadiene rubber production wastewater was treated by the coagulation-catalytic oxidation process with PAC and PAM as coagulants and H2O2-O3 as oxidants.
The synthesis and properties of elastic unsaturated polyester were investigated and the use of the elastomer compounded with nitrile butadiene rubber was discussed.
The physical properties of medium-vinyl butadiene rubber (MVBR) and its application in crown compound of bias truck tire were experimentally compared to those of BR.
The toughening of DAIP resin with liquid nitrile-butadiene rubber, polybutadiene, polyether, silicone rubber, unsaturated polyester and vinyl resins was investigated.
The application tests showed that the properties of the styrene-butadiene rubber filled with modified HCC are good and modified HCC has a broad application prospects.
Based on the practical data and operation program, both kinetic and engineering analyses of nickel catalyzed butadiene rubber production by tank reactor in China were reviewed.
Solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber ( S-SBR ) was fractionated by repeated precipitation method, using redistilled toluene as solvent and ethyl alcohol as precipitant.
The pyrolysis dynamics of nature rubber, isoprene rubber and butadiene rubber was investigated by thermogravimetry analysis (TG) and differential thermogravimetry analysis (DTG).
It is simple, speed, highly selective method and it has already been satisfactorily appling to the determination of bound styrene content in the carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber latex.
The condensed water from plants of C4 , styrene and ABS was recycled and applied to heat salt water in production of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, and then used for agglomerating and washing.
The artifactitious process and mechanical properties of nature rubber (NR) and nitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) using the fly-ash modified with sodium silicate as strengthening agent were studied.
The research situation and the progress of continuous polymerization technology of home and abroad for high vinyl solution polymerized styrene butadiene rubber (SSBR) were reviewed in this paper.
A brief introduction of the technical innovation of butadiene evaporation unit is given in the article. During the expansion of the SBR(Styrene - Butadiene Rubber) plant of Qilu Petrochemical Corp.
The synthesis technologies of alkali metal alkoxides(phenoxides) and their applications in liquid polybutadiene rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber and organic synthesis were reviewed with 35 references.
综述了碱金属醇、 酚盐几种不同的合成方法及其在液体聚丁二烯橡胶、丁苯橡胶和有机合成等领域的应用。
Synthetic rubber is a copolymer of butadiene (75%) and styrene (25%).
In this paper, the benefits and deficiencies of substituting paraffin for butadiene sodium rubber as the lubricants used in the production of cemented carbides are studied.
A rubber produced from butadiene by polymerization with Ziegler catalysts to a cis-1, 4 structure.
丁二烯借助齐格勒催化剂聚合成顺- 1,4结构的橡胶。
The basic solution polymer on new brand (Y837V) of solution polymerized butadiene -styrene rubber was synthesized in the pilot plant, and filled aromatic oil.
在中试装置上合成出高乙烯基溶聚丁苯橡胶新牌号y 837v基础胶,并填充芳烃油。
The basic solution polymer on new brand (Y837V) of solution polymerized butadiene -styrene rubber was synthesized in the pilot plant, and filled aromatic oil.
在中试装置上合成出高乙烯基溶聚丁苯橡胶新牌号y 837v基础胶,并填充芳烃油。