It took less than 10k of JSP code to implement a set of tag files that produce the basic form elements: lists, text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, and submit buttons.
You'll also learn how to modify the ICONS used to draw widgets such as check boxes, radio buttons, trees, and file dialogs.
For example, you may want to modify the ICONS used by the check boxes and radio buttons to paint their status, or you may want to use other ICONS to paint the folders and nodes of a tree component.
The size of the ICONS used in check boxes and radio buttons should be adapted to the size of their font.
The tag defines text fields, check boxes, and radio buttons.
Figure 1 shows one panel of the demonstration application, containing several common component types such as entry fields, radio buttons, check boxes, and buttons.
The SupportForm.jsp page contains basic HTML components, such as input boxes, lists, radio buttons, a check box, and a submit button.
Form elements can include radio buttons, check boxes, text areas, text fields, and list boxes.
表单元素可包括单选按钮(radio button)、复选框(check box)、文本区域(text area)、文本域(text field)和列表框(list box)。
Input fields Input fields enable users to provide feedback. They include text fields, password fields, check boxes, radio buttons, sliders and more.
In addition, several custom dialog boxes enable you to present choices or gather information by using check boxes, option buttons, and text boxes.
In addition, several custom dialog boxes enable you to present choices or gather information by using check boxes, option buttons, and text boxes.