China supports the enhancement of the effectiveness of the BWC in a comprehensive manner.
Upon its accession to the BWC, China pointed out the absence of measures for verification.
As a state party to the BWC, China has fully and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations under the convention.
Upon its accession to the BWC, China pointed out the absence of concrete and effective measures for verification.
China holds that, in order to strengthen the effectiveness of the BWC, a necessary verification mechanism should be established.
We call for the resumption of the multilateral process to work out ways to enhance the effectiveness of and ensure compliance with the BWC.
China acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1984, and has fully and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations under the Convention.
Methods Brain tissue water content(BWC) was measured by the gravimetric technique in the cortex and striatum following traumatic brain injury(TBI).
China strictly adheres to its obligations under the CWC and BWC, and will not in any way help or encourage any country to obtain chemical or biological weapons.
Maintain and facilitate the multilateral process aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the BWC and explore and formulate concrete measures through full consultations.
China acceded to the BWC in 1984, and has always supported and actively participated in the multilateral endeavors aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the Convention.
China holds that the conclusion of a protocol with balanced contents and effective measures through multilateral negotiations remains the best way to enhance the effectiveness of the BWC.
China holds that the conclusion of a protocol with balanced contents and effective measures through multilateral negotiations remains the best way to enhance the effectiveness of the BWC.