The Object Request Broker (ORB) pass by reference option determines if pass by reference or pass by value semantics should be used when handling parameter objects involved in an EJB request.
ObjectRequestBroker (ORB)通过引用传递选项确定,在处理EJB 请求中涉及的参数对象时应该使用通过引用传递还是通过值传递语义。
Providing a copy of the content is similar to using "pass by value."
提供内容的一个副本与使用“通过值传递(pass by value)”很相似。
You can improve the value of your business processes asset by importing the WebSphere business Modeler models into Rational Software Architect to pass the knowledge to your development team.
您可以通过将WebSphereBusiness Modeler模型导入到Rational SoftwareArchitect之中,将知识传递到您的开发团队,从而提高业务处理过程资产的价值。
We also pass the post data in the postdata object (specified as an object containing key/value pairs by using to format the input args).
As you can see from the output (Listing 2), the perror function displays the string you pass to it, followed by a colon, a space, and then the textual representation of the current errno value.
If the EJB client and EJB modules are mapped to different application server instances (often referred to as split-tier), then the EJB modules must be invoked remotely using pass by value semantics.
如果EJB客户机和EJB模块被映射到不同的应用服务器实例(通常表示为split - tier),则必须使用通过值传递的语义来远程调用EJB模块。
However, you must be aware that these alternatives change the semantics of the interaction from pass-by-value to pass-by-reference.
然而,您必须注意到这些可供选择的方案会将交互方法从按值传递(pass - by - value)改变为按引用传递(pass - by - reference)。
The enable-call-by-reference element is generally used to pass parameters by reference rather than by value, which requires making a copy of the parameters.
With pass by value, any change to the parameter is not reflected in the calling routine. Those who have used pass by reference will probably find this confusing.
The toroidal core was excited by sharp pulse current. The sensor circuit is composed of peak value detector, Butterworth low-pass filter and differential amplifier.
For reference types, if you pass a parameter by value, it results in a copy of the reference to an object being passed.
Describes how to pass strings by value, by reference, in structures, in classes, and in arrays.
Normally you pass a parameter by value, unless you want the procedure to be able to change its value in the calling code.
Objective To study the diagnostic value of cardiac function determination by list mode first pass in combination with myocardial perfusion imaging at ATP stress in coronary artery disease.
Describes how to pass classes by value, how to pass various structures, and how to pass unions with value and mixed types.
Value investors are students of the game; they learn from every pitch, those at which they swing and those they let pass by.
If you need runtime polymorphism, you must not use pass-by-value.
Describes how to pass multidimensional arrays of integers by value and how to pass one-dimensional arrays by reference.
Generally we pass them by value as a copy. So we cannot change them.
If you want to protect a structure against such modification, pass it by value.
When you pass a reference-type parameter by value, it is possible to change the data pointed to by the reference, such as the value of a class member.
So what does pass-by-value actually mean? To answer this, it's instructive to look at some JVM1 bytecodes that result from the following two commands.
As a by-pass product of steel plant, blast furnace gas (BFG) is a kind of low heat value fuel.
As a by-pass product of steel plant, blast furnace gas (BFG) is a kind of low heat value fuel.