As the comments of this interface indicate, you can access an attribute by either its name or its index.
To read attributes, you stop at the start of an element and request a specific attribute, either by name or number.
A method of a superclass can be extended by declaring an attribute with the same name.
The named file system attribute classification is a byte stream that is associated with a directory or file and is referred to by a string name.
In this case, looking up an attribute by name initiates a linear search.
In such cases, looking up an attribute by name could yield better performance than looking it up by index.
The package path of these element and attribute classes is dependent on the namespace of the XML node, whose naming is composed by use of the namespace, local name, and node type (see listing 2).
To associate this type with an element, we reference it by associating the type attribute (type="") with the global type name.
I accomplished this by setting the <html:radio/> tag's styleId attribute to match its name/value.
我通过把 <html:radio/>标记的 styleId属性设置成与它的名称/值匹配来做到这点。
With AttributeDesignator, you specify an attribute by defining its name and type.
Use the first form to access a datasource associated with a JNDI name, by providing that name as the value of the dataSource attribute.
The fully qualified name of the new object is constructed by adding the "|" separator and the object's name attribute to the fully qualified name of the current Topic.
The fully qualified name of the Topic is constructed by adding the "|" separator and the Topic's name attribute to the fully qualified name of the parent context.
You can turn check boxes into radio buttons by specifying a radiogroup attribute whose value is the name of the group of mutually exclusive buttons.
For standard validations like checking the name, length and format of an attribute, we can make use of validations provided by Active Record.
By enforcing this rule in the sugroups attribute, the group names that have the NOT operator before the group name will be denied access to su to that account.
通过在sugroup s属性中使用这个规则,前面有NOT操作符的组就不允许通过su变成此用户。
The IMPLICITLY HIDDEN attribute on a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement specifies that the column is not visible in SQL statements unless the column is explicitly referenced by name.
This qualified name and the identifier specified by the id attribute are used by RRD to find the matching extension handler for an extension.
The compensationMap attribute contains a preloaded list of all activities (by name) and the corresponding class and method (by name) of the reversing activity.
The Filename attribute USES the My documents directory by default and can locate documents with the name value and the default Word extension of.doc.
When the bean tag has the attribute "name" and attribute "property", it specifies the attribute name of the bean whose property is accessed to retrieve the value specified by "property".
The fully qualified name of a Package is constructed by adding the ". "separator and the Package's name attribute to the fully qualified name of the parent context. Each contained element can be.
Axis generates the name SQService for the name attribute of the service element used by the Bus to identify services.
It consists of the keyword attribute followed by the desired attribute name, plus an expression for the attribute value. You see this in Update 15.
From here, it is possible to round-trip by reversing the transformation (looking in the class attribute for the specializing element name, and renaming the current element to match).
If an attribute name has a prefix, its name is in the namespace indicated by the prefix.
Set a custom attribute by index or name.
Get a custom attribute by index or name.
This tells JiBX that the structure element of the binding definition defines an element in the XML (as shown by the name attribute) that maps to some properties of the current object.
This tells JiBX that the structure element of the binding definition defines an element in the XML (as shown by the name attribute) that maps to some properties of the current object.