Listing 14 retrieves the current Psycho document, deletes it in CouchDB, and then recreates it by adding a new movie-title key with the current ID value and removing the ID from the map.
清单14检索当前Psycho文档,在CouchDB中删除它,然后通过添加一个带有当前id值的新movie -title键并从映射移除旧id来重新创建它。
Once a navigation is under way, the map is topped by a large green bar showing the current step in the directions.
The solution taken by the map is to use an EXTRACT function to select the occurrences of Quantity for the current slice.
It is why the materials presented by Mila and Oa may have a symbolic representation of one's current life expression as map carver.
It is current undergoing extensive quality checking and upon completion a notification email will be sent out to you to confirm location details by providing a grid reference and a site map.
You can apply a different color scheme by changing the current figure color map.
You can apply a different color scheme by changing the current figure color map.