Created is rendered as a date field, indicated by the icon on the right.
This is a timestamp that is set by the Lotus script code to the current date and time whenever the conditions above apply and an automatic CSLD retrieval job is created.
Mapping is by its nature inexact, a tenuous connection between constantlychanging physical reality and a representation of same that's out of date theinstant it's created.
This submit() method receives the name and date value supplied by the user and sets it in a newly created customer object.
这个submit()方法接收用户提供的姓名和日期值,并在一个新创建的Customer 对象中设置这些值。
One can easily count the benefits of a collection of well-written automated build script over a manual process accompanied by a constantly out-of-date, "how-to" document created in Microsoft Word.
可以很容易的得出包括由Microsoft Word所创建的过期文档,“指南”文档在内的良好自动化构建脚本收集的好处。
Created Date: Date and time when the work item was created, as recorded by the server clock.
Created Date: Date and time when the work item was created, as recorded by the server clock.