In this installment, I'll wrap up this discussion of using DSLs to harvest idiomatic patterns by showing how to build more-sophisticated DSLs in Ruby, leveraging JRuby.
In the next installment, we'll take a look at how a Web service can advertise itself using UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) for use by other Web services.
In this installment of Practically Groovy, I'll show you how easy it is to enhance the build process by using Groovy rather than XML as your build configuration format.
Part 3, this installment, demonstrates how to debug your plug-in using the tools provided by Eclipse.
第 3部分(本文)演示如何使用Eclipse提供的工具调试插件。
In this system, the size of the filter is not limited by the space of installment and it is possible to heat of the filter by using more than one microwave power supply.
In this system, the size of the filter is not limited by the space of installment and it is possible to heat of the filter by using more than one microwave power supply.