This is something they could and should do, by majority vote, on the first day of the next Senate session.
If jurors cannot reach a unanimous verdict on their first vote, they must hear the views of the presiding judge, after which they may decide by simple majority.
And they fear a "tax tipping-point", when a majority of Americans pay little or no taxes and discover that they can vote themselves goodies paid for by others.
Their resolution to change the rules, put forward earlier this month, could, they contend, be approved by a simple majority vote.
Senatorsmay approve bills that have been adopted, or recommended by theGeneral assembly, and advisory Council with a 55% majority vote, andmay approve the annual federal budget with a 52% majority.
This award will be determined at the conclusion of the regular jurying by clear majority vote.
In foiling the Republican scheme, Mr Reid, by a simple majority vote, established a precedent that will make it harder to attempt such ruses in the future.
The prize awarding institutions then select the laureates by a majority vote.
Yet in a vote in that same city, a proposition to increase funding for schools by raising taxes failed by a narrow margin to win majority approval.
Article 46 When several or the whole body of shareholders are conducting the business a company, then decisions shall be carried out by a majority vote.
The IOC's 100-plus members vote by secret ballot, with the candidate getting the fewest votes eliminated in each round until one city secures a winning majority.
Morals and ethics cannot be determined by a majority vote, any more than they can be determined by the barrel of a gun or a loud mouth.
Other shares shall be issued at par unless the Board of Governors by a special Majority vote as provided in Article 28 decides in special circumstances to issue them on other terms.
The decision shall be taken by a majority vote.
The decision shall be taken by a majority vote.