Each of those characters is read by the XML parser as a TEXT type node.
For example, if the user tries to configure a V5 node by creating a new instance of a configuration type, or by setting a new V6 configuration attribute, an exception will be raised.
The package path of these element and attribute classes is dependent on the namespace of the XML node, whose naming is composed by use of the namespace, local name, and node type (see listing 2).
For example, if a certain element is always a leaf node in a particular document type (and has no XML attributes), you might want to refer to its PCDATA just by the node name itself.
Nested information embedded in the source document is retrieved by using the XSL: for-each element to process all of the children of the current node of a specific type.
嵌在源文档中的嵌套信息是通过使用xsl:for - each元素处理当前特定类型的节点的所有子节点来检索的。
When the pattern is deployed, each of the parts in the pattern results in the creation of a virtual machine containing the WebSphere Application Server node type represented by the part (Figure 2).
Simplicity: the program can use these node tests to select a group of elements based on their common group head element or type definition rather than enumerate all concrete element names one by one.
Represented as an ordinal number followed by either a single .0 or a set of ordinal numbers separated by dots, the node data type corresponds to a position in a tree structure.
节点数据类型用一个序数加一个 .0或一组以点号隔开的序数来表示,它对应于一个树结构中的一个位置。
In my code the evaluation is performed by each AST node itself, but we may use also a tree walker to walk each node and execute it based on its type.
You already know that each bit of markup is represented by an object, but it's more than just any object — it's a specific type of object, a DOM node.
The unicentric CD(46.7%) just presented with local lymphadenopathy and was classified as the hyaline vascular type. The patients were cured by surgical resection of lymph node.
The unicentric CD(46.7%) just presented with local lymphadenopathy and was classified as the hyaline vascular type. The patients were cured by surgical resection of lymph node.