She sang by request of the visitors.
The band are playing this song by request of the Queen.
要求 ,乐队演奏了这首歌曲。
The final coroner's report was withheld by request of the Los Angeles police.
Fiber placement layers of s inlet duct are designed and analyzed by request of design.
A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later.
The correlation of a response with its request by both the client and service provider.
For example, service requesters need not be aware that a request could be serviced by any of several potential providers at different physical locations.
A request message can be processed by any of multiple providers without explicit identification of the provider by the requester.
The toolset prevents invalid models from being created by validating the results of each reorder request before it is performed.
Two resources are potentially affected by the possibility of allowing additional threads per request.
Construction of the XML message for both the request and reply is handled — primarily by the construction of the appropriate meta-objects.
Parents have the right to request removal of any personal information provided by their children.
For example, requesters don't need to be aware that a request could be serviced by any of several providers.
Such applications have to commit the transaction by the end of the lifetime of the HTTP request.
A fourth group of timeouts are those set by the client of a request.
The service requester typically invokes operations by way of messages — a request message and the response — rather than through the use of APIs or file formats.
Although this was more than double what the Fed had made available to facilitate the takeover of Bear Stearns by JPMorgan, Bank of America justified the request on the grounds that Lehman was larger.
The request ID is maintained by the PSP for the duration of the request execution, and is returned to the client along with the response when the response is ready.
在请求执行期间,PS P负责维护请求ID,准备好响应之后随着响应一起返回。
The tribunal held its first public hearing - a bail request by one of the defendants - in November 2007.
The amount and type of load can be varied by changing the request rate, the number of concurrent users, and the size of the randomly generated wiki image files.
The main difference between this and other functions is that with fsockopen(), you must create the whole Web request by yourself instead of setting different parameters.
此函数与其他函数的主要差异在于,使用 fsockopen() 时,您必须自行创建整个Web请求,而不能只设置几个不同的参数。
You can see a text version of the request by selecting Edit as text from the dropdown.
Process all of her insufficient funds (NSF) request by 10:00am each day.
每天10:00 am之前处理所有的不足基金(NSF)请求。
The response of the second mapped request is returned by the mapper as the result of the first request.
Take the habit of saying NO by realizing that this request is actually your responsibility.
It returns the name of remote user associated by the container with the request.
In this way, the route that the response message takes as it travels through the bus can be affected by the processing of the request message.
Performance: the cache increases the responsiveness of the service by caching request and corresponding response messages.
Sometimes, clients respond to the request for feedback by doing their own version of the work.
Sometimes, clients respond to the request for feedback by doing their own version of the work.