The company's shares had rallied slightly by the close of trading.
That process will end by the close of the first decade of the next century. That process will be over about 2010.
In other words, Bank B must send the refusal notice on behalf of Bank A by the close of the following Monday (assuming Saturdays and Sundays are holidays).
The falls in Shanghai depressed sentiment in other Erading with all of the major European indices trading lower - though they clawed back most of the losses by the close of play.
Consider that in 1990, roughly half the global population lived on less than $1 a day; by 2007, the proportion had shrunk to 28 percent -- and it will be lower still by the close of 2010.
At the time of this writing (November 2007) Apple had sold a whopping 100 million iPods, and is on track to ship more than 200 million iPods by the end of 2008 and 300 million by the close of 2009.
Glass hives offer a close-up view of the bees at work, with the queen bee in each hive marked by a white dot.
Traditionally the relatedness of species has been ascertained by a close comparison of their anatomy.
I've just come across the smell of it, and it's close by here, really quite close.
By the end of his life, Presley's vocals often descended close to self-parody.
He was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides and old friends.
Those devout traders, called "Wali Ullah" or "those close to God", energetically spread both trade and religion by adapting their appeals to the native mysticism of Java.
The reading by President Simons on the flow of capital across countries, was kind of interesting, but the data did not come close to supporting the conclusions.
I don't believe I'll come close to scratching the surface of what I would enjoy doing, by the time I've died.
Until just recently, most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time.
The cost of solar panels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in the past eight years.
This is surprising when you consider the prevailing emphasis by scholars and trainers and managers on the importance of cultivating close interpersonal relationships at work.
It also watches for what's called "close-by hands", where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time.
Reasonably accurate for the time, that is quite close to today's value of 149,597,870 km, determined by radar, which has now superseded transits and all other methods in accuracy.
The reading by President Summers on the flow of capital across countries, was kind of interesting, but the data did not come close to supporting the conclusions.
It also watches for what's called "close by hands", where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time.
One thing is for certain—Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!
By the beginning of this year, success looked close.
Nor do we believe they were written even by the close disciples of apostles. They're anonymous texts.
This is perhaps the first generation of American youngsters who have never been close by during the birth of a baby and have never experienced the death of a family member.
Now let me close by reminding you of the almost unbelievable good news in this text.
Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has flown close by to one of the more enigmatic planets in our solar system: Uranus.
Having been Mired in recession for the past couple of years, and plagued by inflation of close to 30%, the country has recently returned to growth.
Sometimes one hears of stolen people acting as good genii to the living, as in this tale, heard also close by the haunted pond, of John Kirwan of Castle Hacket.
All of these events happened around the same timeframe, as is demonstrated by the close proximity of values in the TIMESTAMP field.