The moment the economic choice has been made, good leaders turn all their attention and energy to the human beings' impact by the decision.
There is much uncertainty about the economic impact of fiscal tightening, not least because some temporary measures will also have run their course by next year.
In terms of impact, the financial crisis has behaved, roughly, like the economic equivalent of a drive-by shooting.
The destructive impact of the economic downturn was blamed for the increase, as families struggled to cope with the tensions caused by money pressures and unemployment.
IATA Director General Giovanni Bisignani says the impact of higher fuel prices is lessened by the global economic recovery, but the airline industry still faces significant hurdles.
The economic impact is likely to be harsh, on best guesses cutting Australian growth this year by up to 1%.
This suggests that the economic impact of a break-up would be less catastrophic than envisaged by the UBS economists.
The economic impact also depends on response strategies adopted by farmers and possible market adjustments.
The impact of disasters on economic system has also spread to more sectors and the loss of a single sector brought about by disasters turn into the disaster of multisectoral economic losses.
After joining the WTO, the duty assumed by our country as a member tot he WTO will surely make tremendous impact on the existing economic and legal sys tem of our country.
This Paper discusses the impact of export trade on China's economic growth by analyzing a stationary real variable system and a non-stationary nominal variable system separately.
By the way, I would like to know the economic crisis on the United States, Canada national employment, especially what I learned the professional - care what impact has it?
What impact does the signing of the TPP agreement sponsored by the US and Japan have on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) that China takes part in?
Economists differed on the economic impact—money in the pockets of consumers offset by declines in exploration and drilling activity—but everyone agreed that it was bearish for small cars and hybrids.
The economic impact in a socialized environment; its development maybe affected by various elements, and maybe the effects of Financial Policy of Derate and Subsidy itself is not so serious.
But even if the markets are proved right and the central bankers do bring down the rate by another notch, the immediate economic impact will be modest.
The impact degree of the measure indexes on the rural finance ecological environment was obtained by applying the econometric model of regional economic growth in the primary industry.
No matter how big the future population changes, it is certainthat, by the impact of economic growth and China's population policy, the future populationstructure will be a big change.
It have been leaded to the serious impact of acid deposition on agri-ecological environment, product of crops and large economic losses by acid deposition.
If not supported by Global Fund health programs, some of the most vulnerable populations in the world will feel double or triple the impact of this international economic crisis.
As of the costs caused by earthquake or flood during construction, four kinds of losses are considered, they are: economic losses, casualties, construction delay and environmental impact.
It means that the market did not absorb the impact brought by macro economic variables rapidly. Our country's bond exchange market is not a mature and effective market.
It is essential to implement the low-impact operation for environmentally sound forest practices by recent technological advances, economic evaluation and technical training.
To reduce the crisis on the global economic impact, measures taken by countries are also diverse.
The adverse economic impact of these events must not only be exceptional but beyond all limits foreseen by the contract.
The adverse economic impact of these events must not only be exceptional but beyond all limits foreseen by the contract.