By the end of summer, I'm used to the heat.
Although her family was relatively well off, Zhang Yinghua said there was nothing to be bought by the end of summer.
By the end of summer, the Arctic sea ice has retreated, leaving the walrus herd to search for a safe haven on land.
The SEC hopes to finish its review by the end of summer and says its goal is to craft a policy that will permit ETFs only limited use of derivatives.
By the end of the summer, he realized the mathematical approach he had been pursuing for almost three years was flawed.
By the end of the summer, they are going to die.
By the end of the summer, he said, almost diffidently, most of them would be either killed or captured.
By the end of the summer she could understand what everybody was saying, even if the vocabulary and grammar were far above her ability.
This year, I am doing even better, and plan to pay off my credit card by summer and car by the end of 2007.
But at the other end of the city summer is already offering us, by way of contrast, its other riches: I mean its silence and its boredom.
Sea ice around the North Pole, for instance, could almost disappear in summer by the end of the century.
We've already hit the ground in Chardon and planned and initiated Food Justice Pilot Program by the end of this summer.
We spent a summer doing this and by the end of the summer we had this great business I though OK, that sounds good But how do I find enough money that the two of us can survive for the summer?
We'll probably see this to some extent, even with the increased level of compensation that is going to be law by the end of the summer.
By the end of the summer it had paying customers.
The culprit, according to a new study, is the Arctic's receding surface ice, which at current rates of decline could disappear entirely during summer months by century's end.
In China, the world's largest consumer of steel, the price for steel has fallen by more than 40% since the end of the summer.
By the summer of 2009, he says, "I was getting to the end of a performance and I'd just want to curl up under the table and go to sleep."
The unemployment rate is currently 9.5% and virtually certain to cross 10% by the end of the summer.
Moto chief Sanjay Jha said last summer that he intended to launch a 2ghz phone by the end of 2010.
So many, that by the end of our first summer, I would guess that 95% of our revenues were coming from the sales of DVDs.
Blackwell hopes to increase this to over a million titles by the end of the summer - the equivalent of 23.6 miles of shelf space, or over 50 bookshops rolled into one.
Ten years ago scientists reckoned that summer sea-ice would be gone by the end of this century.
BARACK OBAMA: "Keep in mind we're talking about ten thousand troops by the end of this year, an additional twenty-three thousand by the end of next summer."
Brown will push for world trade talks which opened in 2001 but finally broke down in the summer to be reopened and concluded by the end of this year.
JQuery mobile has reached the Beta 1 milestone with support for all major browsers and mobile OSes. A final release is expected by the end of the summer.
Doctor said I would become prettier by the end of the summer.