That's what Warner Brothers, a division of Time Warner (parent company of Fortune), wants to know by offering up the Dark Knight for viewing on the movie's Facebook fan page.
时代华纳公司(TimeWarner,《财富》的母公司)旗下的华纳兄弟电影公司(Warner Brothers)很想知道这个问题的答案。该公司最近在该电影的Facebook影迷页上推出了《黑暗骑士》(the Dark Knight)以供观看。
It was by using these methods of mass production — the assembly line, division of labor and standardized parts — that Henry Ford produced the cheapest cars of his time in the world.
Dispersion-managed soliton interaction is investigated in an optical time-division multiplexed system with random dispersion map by the variational approach and the numerical simulation.
A new random access protocol assisted by fixed relay stations under the transparent mode in multi-hop relay networks over the time division multiple access was presented.
At the same time, the transitional space makes all the functions of garden space in a harmonious transition, to avoid giving the forcible division of space caused by psychological alienation.
The stiffness of the elements in transition state is modified by the synthetical stiffness method and the calculation can thus be relieved from the precise division of the time steps.
The stiffness of the elements in transition state is modified by the synthetical stiffness method and the calculation can thus be relieved from the precise division of the time steps.