Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then.
Moreover, if history is a guide, then we can assume that any major transformations will once again be followed by a huge set of unintended consequences.
Then again, if he had done that, we would have been deprived of one of the great villains, who announced his rebirth by ordering the death of Him From Twilight and went on to terrorise a nation.
There is something inconsistent in bailing out the banking system once again and then "bailing in" holders of sovereign debt after 2013 by introducing collective-action clauses.
The US could then maintain its recovery only by continuing to run large budget deficits and again tolerating debt-financed consumer demand.
It must have found high ground, waited there as the water rose, then set off again, driven by hunger.
Then again, there is a certain heroic beauty in the exuberant destruction of both capital and hope entailed by the entrepreneurs' activities.
By then, at the end of a year of institutionalization, Donald was eating again, and his health had returned.
Dip into the warm waters of momentum by trying, experimenting, taking a first step, forgiving yourself for slip-ups and then trying again.
Then again, it may boost wages by offering jobs to the otherwise-unemployed.
I don't know about that. I am not so sure. "But then, we realized that like when we walk out that door, it's the whole world again." So you get sucked up by your group, by your sort of identity.
The returned value is then stored in an undo command so that the model can be restored easily by calling addElement() again.
然后,将返回值存储到一个撤销命令中,这样就能通过再次调用 addElement()轻松地恢复该模型。
If it was, then you reset the top 10 list and re-draw it by calling the displayStats function again.
If the transaction is known by the coordinator, but the transaction state is Active or In-Doubt, then the rule is to Undo any actions (our databases again use their Undo records).
如果协调器了解事务,但是事务状态是Active或In - Doubt,那么规则是撤销所有的动作(我们的数据库再次使用它们的Undo记录)。
You could take the time to split out this string by comma and then again by colon to grab the value of remaining_hits.
Outlook can then simply be restarted and the communications process attempted again by the user.
The properties are then overridden again by any values specified in the activation-config properties of the MDB's deployment descriptor.
然后这些属性被MDB部署描述符中的 activation-config 属性的值再次覆盖。
The kernel boots, mounts an initial ram disk (initrd), performs further customizable initialization, then mounts the root filesystem and continues initialization (again, usually by calling /sbin/init)
内核引导、安装初始ram磁盘(initrd),执行进一步的可定制初始化,然后安装根文件系统并继续进行初始化(通常也是通过调用 /sbin/init)
These are people you meet once, have a great time with or are awe-struck by, and then never see again.
Not until 2003 did minerals begin to boom again, though by then Australia had escaped both the Asian crisis and the recession that hit America in 2001.
But then the stock market crisis was widely perceived as having been caused by a technical strategy called program trading, and again there was no huge banking crisis or loss of confidence.
Then we have an iteration plan, execution, and wrap-up which may be repeated over and again depending on the requirement of the project (followed by a post-iteration plan and finally a release).
Trials and tribulations tease us by visiting, leaving for a while and then returning once again.
Mother Nature follows the principle of redundancy by selecting a simple mechanism or module as a building block for a complex system and then using that module over and over again in other systems.
Then, when the researchers removed the surfactant by pushing the solution through a membrane, the compounds spontaneously assembled once again into a perfectly formed, rejuvenated photocell.
Then again, few shops have inspired such extravagant dreams as the convenience stores being opened across India by Reliance Industries, an oil, petrochemicals and textiles group.
However, if one tells a lie then with a "POOF!" they are instantly swallowed up by the mirror, never to be seen again.
Rejected once, and then again, by business schools at Stanford and Harvard, Scott McNealy practiced the perseverance that would characterize his career.
By then it was late, and I was tired, and next day I'd forgotten it all and had to start all over again.
The camera zooms out ten meters. It then zooms out again, but the degree of the zoom has increased by a power of ten; the camera is now 100 meters away.