Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.
Cabinet ministers have already begun fighting over who takes the hit.
Don't be scared of the high-flown language of economists and cabinet ministers.
Cabinet ministers have recently managed to disagree without insulting each other.
There were present cabinet ministers and generals and bishops and learned men and women.
There were present cabinet ministers and generals arid bishops and learned men and women.
Two former cabinet ministers were sentenced to three years for complicity in the killings.
Recently two former cabinet ministers were sentenced to several years in jail for bribery and embezzlement.
The annual report was approved Friday at a meeting of Cabinet ministers calledto discuss the prevention of human trafficking.
The relation between supervisors and cabinet ministers came through the process from harmonious to exasperate in the Ming Dynasty.
Only Ken Clarke, the justice secretary, is left from a group that included cabinet ministers such as Michael Heseltine and Chris Patten.
Cabinet ministers have agreed a far-reaching, legally binding "green deal" that will commit the UK to two decades of drastic cuts in carbon emissions.
Alastair Campbell and Philip Gould were indispensable to Tony Blair; Steve Hilton and Andy Coulson are closer to David Cameron than most cabinet ministers.
If cabinet ministers and diplomats Shared the popular scepticism about international law, then international law would be broken far more often than it is.
After meeting Wednesday afternoon, Israeli cabinet ministers decided against a French proposal for a 48-hour cease-fire to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza.
While rules have changed over the years, cabinet ministers began disclosing their assets in 1984 to "gain the public's trust, " said a cabinet office official.
The judge is compiling a report about the case to submit to the Lord chief justice, the most senior judge in England and Wales, who has the ear of cabinet ministers.
On Monday, Israeli and German Cabinet ministers held a historic joint session, a first for Israel, and the two nations approved a series of cooperation projects.
Following the most recent elections in 2007, even though 2 women cabinet ministers were appointed out of 20 and only 14 women out of the 124 members of parliament were elected.
So, here goes: one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or Cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women.
Trying to fight back, Mr. Fukuda overhauled his cabinet a month ago, and appointed a number of new ministers in key positions such as finance and economy.
First, Mr Mugabe turned up with 22 ministers, whereas the agreement generously gave him 15 cabinet posts to the MDC’s 13, with a small opposition group led by Arthur Mutambara getting three.
With both Kibaki and Odinga seeking to award jobs to their supporters, the Cabinet is expected to have at least as many ministers as the current 34.
With both Kibaki and Odinga seeking to award jobs to their supporters, the Cabinet is expected to have at least as many ministers as the current 34.