The gob-side entry driving in the fully-mechanized coal winning face can be protected successfully by using the anchored cable and rod supporting system.
Single-layer cable net is a new kind of flexible point-supporting system and has been used widely for its fine transparence, light weight and flexible construction etc.
In the end, the wind characteristics of system were analyzed and wind load of several kinds of cable-truss Supporting system were calculated using wind load norm of the glass curtain.
Combining with the supporting system of the glass curtain of Shanghai Grand Theatre, the working principle of such a new form of supporting system-prestressed Cable Truss is discussed.
Established two typical supporting system by SAP2000 FEM software, pipe truss, cable truss. Calculation and analysis of static finite element model of these two kinds of supporting system.
This paper deals with the common use of layout patterns and behaviors of the dot-pattern glaze cable-truss supporting system and advances the basic analysis method of the vibration characteristics.
The feed cable-supporting system of the large radio telescope (LT) can be regarded as a wire driven parallel robot (WDPR).
The feed cable-supporting system of the large radio telescope (LT) can be regarded as a wire driven parallel robot (WDPR).