On the contrary, there are many (including myself) who have no love of 24 hour cable TV news channels.
On cable-TV news shows, events did not happen at which hour, but an hour or 30 minutes ago.
News Corporation reported a drop in quarterly profit because of declining revenue from film and DVDs and the sale of its MySpace website, though operating income at its cable-TV division was up.
Cable and satellite TV supplied fully 71% of News Corporation's profits in the second quarter of this year.
The flow of TV and cable channels that will allow individuals to access a revolutionary variety of entertainment, news, communications, home-shopping, etc.
The key technology which affect the TV news communication consist of cable televisual technology, satellite technology, computer technology and digital technology.
Cable TV stations will often only show one thing: movies, news, sports, entertainment news, financial news, there are even stations that show nothing but cooking shows.
Cable TV stations will often only show one thing: movies, news, sports, entertainment news, financial news, there are even stations that show nothing but cooking shows.