By comparison, it has advantages on both calculation accuracy and speed.
Calculation accuracy is improved, and computer time is greatly decreased.
The concept of the method, which gives higher calculation accuracy, is clear.
It shows the advantages of easily programming, fast rate of convergence and high calculation accuracy.
Moreover, a variance compensation technique is presented to improve calculation accuracy of wind-induced responses.
Acceding special operator into the presented model, both the calculation accuracy and the convergence speed can be improved.
The software is easy to operate, has friendly interface, good calculation accuracy and result output formats easy to understand.
Second, the KCMs of the target model and the target candidate were normalized to a same integer to improve calculation accuracy.
This method could efficiently overcome the numerical oscillation and improve the calculation accuracy in spatial to second order.
It shows that grillage analogy method can analyze the type bridge easily and its calculation accuracy closing to entity unit model.
The calculation accuracy and the calculation efficiency of hexahedron mesh generated by author are higher than tetrahedron element.
The effect of several factors on the calculation accuracy was studied through the calculation of several relatively larger molecules.
A larger high-frequency noise in the output signal of fiber optic gyro lowers the calculation accuracy of fiber optic gyro attitude system.
The traditional static model's calculation accuracy is bad, target hit rate is low, and it'sapplication effect in actual production is not good.
The traditional static model's calculation accuracy is bad, target hit rate is low, and it's application effect in actual production is not good.
The results show that parabolic interpolation is much better than others concerning calculation speed, calculation accuracy and error fluctuation.
Compared with the traditional FEM, the formula considerably improves the field calculation accuracy and reduces the scale of the FEM stiffness matrix.
Composition and distribution of the cascade's flow losses, as well as calculation accuracy, depend in the main on boundary layer conditions at entrance.
The direct integration method to enhance the calculation accuracy of electromagnetic responses for current dipole source over layered earth is discussed.
The calculation accuracy has been improved by using such a method, and which is also appropriate to be applied for calculation of other crude oil properties.
Historical flood is the flood that has occurred in the local area. Using historical flood investigation can improve the calculation accuracy of design flood.
By analyzing the calculation methods of acrylic nitrile reactor carbon balance, the factors that affect the calculation accuracy of carbon balance are defined.
And at the same time, the modified PID algorithm eliminates the time prolonging link, avoids the errors caused by this link and improves the calculation accuracy.
For a Doppler radar homing seeker with high pulse repetition frequency, the continuous wave approximation is not only simple, but also has a high calculation accuracy.
The calculation accuracy of diffusion speed in whole-space electromagnetic field affects directly the interpretative precision of TEM survey in underground coal mines.
Compared with the precise immediate integration method, simplified method can maintain the calculation accuracy and improve the calculation efficiency at the same time.
At the same time, the weight coefficients of plate width and rolling force have been used in the calculation of roll shape in order to improve the calculation accuracy.
The theoretical foundation of the user and the selection of some factors determine the calculation accuracy in the simulation of the architectural numerical wind tunnel.
High calculation accuracy can be obtained in calculating the concentration factor of the stress around infinite elastic medium cavities by using boundary element method.
The analytic method is recommended in the article to make all the calculation process be formulated, so that the design efficiency and calculation accuracy are improved.