The writer takes Baishui gold placer as an example and suggests a "synthetic block method"for the calculation of gold placer reserves.
This method obtains a nice effect in the application of the reserves calculation of Longhupao Oil Field.
Based on calculation of reserves value with cost method, this paper firstly proposes value evaluation model for natural gas reserves (composite model of surplus profit).
This paper expounds the mathematical theory of Monte Carlo method, and the random variable sample method of parameters in the calculation process of gas reserves in conjunction with examples.
SD method, one of three reserves calculation methods like geometry, Krige and SD methods in China, is a new mineral resources reserves calculation and examination method.
Compared to analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional reserves calculation method, gridding method is imported to calculate reserves.
Manjiazhai zinc ore body; Kriging Method; ore grade model; calculation of reserves;
SD method, one of three reserves calculation methods like geometry, Krige and SD methods in China, is a new mineral resources reserves calculation and examination method.
The calculation of oil and gas reserves by volume method has long been made manually by average parameters in our country.
The calculation of oil and gas reserves by volume method has long been made manually by average parameters in our country.