The result of this call is returned by the function literal.
You can also define the shape of your select command, be it an SQL statement or stored procedure call, by either discovering the result set or manually defining the one or more returned result sets.
If your task is a Callable, make sure that the computation is used to calculate the result returned by the call method.
Thus, by declaring the variables with this type, you can directly assign the result of a constructor call to the corresponding variable.
Other parts of the program can then call that method, possibly passing it information in the form of arguments and receiving a result returned by that method.
The next waiting function call is then reactivated, and the previous result is multiplied by this function's value of num, which is 3, resulting in 6.
然后重新激活下一个等待的函数调用,使用前一次调用的结果乘以这个函数的num的值(为3),结果是 6。
Retrieve the result of the EIS function call by calling the appropriate getter methods on the output record.
通过调用输出记录中适宜的获取(getter)方法来检索e IS功能调用的结果。
In order to access all the information returned by a stored procedure call, developers need to register all the output parameters beforehand and assign the result of the call to a ResultSet object.
The callback function first determines whether the call was a success or a failure by accessing the first node in the response: the PHP file returns this result as a node named success or error.
回调函数首先通过访问响应的第一个节点来确定调用是成功还是失败:PHP文件以一个名为success or error的节点返回结果。
The result of all this is that the Image object is really an HTMLImageElement created by the call to elem .
Using the feature, the back-end call runs in a new thread, managed by Application Server, and the application does not wait for the result.
At times like this, reaching out with a phone call, a thoughtful card, or a gift lets people know that you are there in spirit and that your absence is by no means a result of you not caring.
This course addresses the fact that 70% of the contact Centers have automated their call result tracking activity by using some form of contact management software program.
Call it life experience or the school of hard knocks, by 50 we all have the hindsight to know which decisions were good ones and which decisions were, well, a result of youthful naivete.
Call it life experience or the school of hard knocks, by 50 we all have the hindsight to know which decisions were good ones and which decisions were, well, a result of youthful naivete.