The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planet's environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means.
If there is a phone call you need to make, for example, it might bother you all morning, sapping your ability to think clearly, even while you are unaware of what is bothering you.
Are you aware that there is a myth or a belief as what others would call it about kisses depending on where one's lips land?
What do you call it when the branches are sawed off and eventually there's a kind of a scar formed?
If all these are no, in other words you've put it in your corrective action programme, you've dealt with it responsibly, the violation will be what they call non-cited. You won't get fined for it.
It depends what you call commitment. For me commitment is not about how long you are at a club.
You can call an animal a zoo prisoner or call it the family Chihuahua, and either way, what you are dealing with is a captive animal.
Krishnamurti: Call it what you like, fear or ignorance, they are all the same.
If you have one more day in the week, what are you going to call it?
You can call it a win-win arrangement - we contribute to the Singapore economy but are also paid for what we are worth.
I call it the golden eternity-what do you call it, brother? For the blessing and merit of virtue, and the punishment and bad fate of sin, are alike just so many words.
I call it the golden eternity-what do you call it, brother? For the blessing and merit of virtue, and the punishment and bad fate of sin, are alike just so many words.