In case of emergency just call the police for help.
Yet he did not call the police for help, relying instead on two discreet aides.
There's no help for it. We shall have to call the police.
Forty-eight hours later Stephen Carroll, a police constable with less than two years to go until retirement, was shot in the head when he answered a call for help in Craigavon.
Furthermore, if we meet some emergency, we must call for help from the police or our teachers.
We weren't sure if she was injured or just mentally sick, but she did ask for us to call the police, and complained that nobody had stopped to help for a long time.
如果他们请求一个栖息之地,而我不想给他们帮助的话,我只要说“不”就行了,并祝他们好运。 我没有“义务”去做我不想做的事情。
We weren't sure if she was injured or just mentally sick, but she did ask for us to call the police, and complained that nobody had stopped to help for a long time.
如果他们请求一个栖息之地,而我不想给他们帮助的话,我只要说“不”就行了,并祝他们好运。 我没有“义务”去做我不想做的事情。