The dynamic temporary destinations alleviate the need for CALLBACK queues and reduce the number of queues on the system integration buses.
To simplify things, we'll start with a single callback that counts the number of button clicks.
Lambda functions are handy for a number of instances, most notably for many PHP functions that accept a callback function.
If you process large XML vocabularies, you may find yourself with a large number of if and else statements in your callback methods.
There are a number of operations that you can register callback routines for and the value to indicate each operation begins with EM_ (the complete list is available in the API reference guide).
有许多可以为其注册回调例程的操作,这个参数值指出了每个以EM _开头的操作(完整列表可以从api参考指导中获得)。
Optional callback interface to return the number of pages in the current document.
Whenever the protocol stack requires a value it calls one of the callback function with the register address and the number of registers to read as an argument.
Whenever the protocol stack requires a value it calls one of the callback function with the register address and the number of registers to read as an argument.