But by parity of reasoning it falls upon Calvinism.
Nine Factors Contributing to the Resurgence of calvinism.
Historically, Emerson marks one of the largest against the Calvinism of his ancestors.
But Calvinism believes in a severe God who chooses people to heaven at his own random will.
Part of this sort of this inveterate Calvinism, and part of the fact that, "What if the DAMS burst?"
John Calvin was a Frenchman, but he is being remembered in Geneva this week because it was here that he built Calvinism.
They now have to decide whether neo-Calvinism is a movement they can safely ignore-or whether it may take over their church.
他们现在必须决定是否可以毫无顾虑的忽略非开尔文主义的运动- - -又或者非开尔文主义者将有可能会取代他们的教会。
I tell folks that point about Calvinism and predestination being major underpinnings of our national character as well. Agree completely.
Since R. Albert Mohler became the President of Southern Seminary, there has been a revival of the Calvinism of the Abstract of Principles.
自从莫勒(r . Albert Mohler)成为美南浸信会神学院的院长之后,当中就出现了一场依据1858年抽象原则的加尔文主义的复兴。
Calvinism — Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
加尔文主义- - -法国新教改革者约翰·加尔文(1509- 1564)的严格的理论学说,也是清教教派的基础。
Calvinism — Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
加尔文主义- - -法国新教改革者约翰·加尔文(1509- 1564)的严格的理论学说,也是清教教派的基础。