The precision of Cam clay model is poor and the Sekiguchi Otha model gives excess deformation and a singularity point on the yield locus.
The results of the isotropic model are better than that of modified Cam-clay.
The modify Cam-Clay model is a elastoplastic model, it can reflect the deformation character of normal consolidation and low overconsilidation clay.
The traditional dilatancy equation of Cam-clay model was modified and the relativity between the phase transformation stress ratio and initial effective pressure was considered.
The Cam-clay model has widely been used in the last decades which described the main features of soil elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship.
The combination of the unified hardening parameters and Cam-clay model, and the comparison with the test results, show that this parameter can be used to constitutive model simply and effectively.
The combination of the unified hardening parameters and Cam-clay model, and the comparison with the test results, show that this parameter can be used to constitutive model simply and effectively.