Increasing and decreasing of stored starch are closely related to the periodicity of cambial activity.
The variability of esterase isozyme activity in the vascular tissues was in consistent with the periodicity of cambial activity.
Starch grains decreased progressively after cambial activity was resumed in early spring until they disappeared in all the stem tissues.
Between primary xylem and primary phloem there are 2-3 layers of parenchymatous cells, regularly or irregularly arranged, but no cambial zone can be recognized.
The variations of polysaccharide content and zymogram and activity of peroxidase, esterase and amylase isozyme were related to the periodicity of cambial activity.
Wood is the product of cambial activity in trees, and the seasonal activity style of cambium directly influences wood biomass production, structures and properties.
POD was mainly distributed in the radial walls of the cambial cells and expanding xylem cell, especially at the corner of cell wall and cell wall close to the primary pit field.
POD was mainly distributed in the radial walls of the cambial cells and expanding xylem cell, especially at the corner of cell wall and cell wall close to the primary pit field.