The alleged fraud came to light earlier this month when a client mentioned the scheme to a senior bank manager.
The site came to light only by chance.
Thousands of Aztec artifacts came to light during the digging of the Mexico City subway in the 1970s.
Other cases came to light as the news spread.
When his prison record came to light, he lost his job.
This plugs a potential security hole that came to light over the weekend.
The Smiths were well pleased when the long-lost diamond ring came to light.
The ring came to light when Hongkou police were investigating other burglary cases.
It was important to remain realistic and unemotional about facts that came to light.
The grisly details came to light following a freedom-of-information request by local television news.
The issue came to light Friday, after one parent in Xian found her daughter had brought home a prescription flu pill.
Of course, that only came to light after we revealed some of the participating company names in a blog post back in April.
Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, which came to light in 2008, made clear the risks of handing over capital without close oversight.
After the incident came to light, the company of HR is warning, but instead of heavy penalties for developing IT system programmer.
The scale of the security lapse came to light as the Department of Justice charged Albert Gonzalez of Miami with two counts of conspiracy.
随着美国司法部(DoJ)对迈阿密的艾伯特•冈萨雷斯(Albert Gonzalez)提起两项犯罪指控,这个安全漏洞的规模才浮出水面。
When this scandal came to light after the kidnapping of several young men in Soacha in 2008, Mr Uribe sacked 27 officers, including three generals.
2008年在Soacha发生几个年轻人遭绑架之后,这件丑闻才公诸于世,Alvaro Uribe立即开除27名军官,包括三位将领。
At the hearing, held on a cold, bright day in February, Dennis's long history of depression, uncontrolled temper and paranoid behavior came to light.
So when the Iron Curtain rose and the KGB files were opened to the public, certain information Georgi had provided to the secret police came to light.
Other potentially bad habits also came to light as 35 per cent of people surveyed would only seek shade if they were hot, rather than to avoid burning.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has scaled up its oversight since its failure to spot Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, which came to light in 2008.
自从没能够及时发现于2008年曝光的伯纳德·马道夫(Bernie Madoff)庞氏骗局以来,证券交易委员会就拓宽了监管范围。
For instance, it fairly recently came to light that 50m pension records had been lost, a disaster that was hidden from the public for more than a decade.
One of the biggest private deals in recent years came to light only because the details were disclosed in an American court following the Bernard Madoff scandal.
近年来最大的一宗私人交易被曝光只是因为其中的一些细节在美国法庭追踪Bernard Madoff的丑闻案时被同时揭发出来。
A WEEK after Bernard Madoff’s vast alleged Ponzi scheme came to light in mid-December, a thief made off with a $10,000 copper statue from his Florida estate.
Maggie Chen, a cruelty caseworker for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said they had received "tons of complaints" since the crush video came to light.
The dire financial straits and gross neglect at the Shenyang site came to light only when disgruntled workers — who hadn't been paid for months — contacted the media.
That the documents came to light at all is thanks to the persistence of Rachel Auerbach, one of only three survivors of hundreds of people involved in the project.
That the documents came to light at all is thanks to the persistence of Rachel Auerbach, one of only three survivors of hundreds of people involved in the project.