He's not as campy or flashy and doesn't use exotic animals.
Still, "Jane Eyre" is a very enjoyable soaper , especially Welles' campy performance.
Thank you those who appreciate and understand that the album cover is deliberately campy.
And since GDI and NOD weren't actually in this game, it was discussed that it would be Allies and soviets, with a "what if" fun campy scenario.
Geena Davis plays the vampiress Odette in this campy movie about a pair of tabloid reporters who travel to Transylvania in search of Frankenstein.
And when I learned that GDI and NOD weren't actually in this game, it was discussed that it would be Allies and soviets, with a "what if" fun campy scenario.
From the black-and-white creepiness of early silent films to the campy kitsch of television series today, these bloodsuckers are so diffuse in popular culture that they might as well be real.
From the black-and-white creepiness of early silent films to the campy kitsch of television series today, these bloodsuckers are so diffuse in popular culture that they might as well be real.