The eastern U. S. can be divided by the Ohio River.
Round Numbers are a number that can be divided by ten.
The system can be divided by function into three parts: image collection, DSP image compressing and image transmitting in PSTN.
Counties can be divided by object names shy of taboo, taboo, taboo, and hate the three categories, these three types can be further divided.
It is put forward that zoning of risk can be divided by the result of comprehensive evolution of geological disaster risk in evolution place.
After an explanation of the artifacts and roles, they can be shifted, renamed, or replaced, and responsibilities can be divided by completing the Responsibility Matrix.
The heart boundary on the sequence image can be divided by the image segmentation method and is matched with the boundary between two continuous frames to form the boundary displacement amount.
Now K effective can be defined relatively straight forwardly by production of neutrons divided by losses.
It can be expressed as a company's sales revenue (from that market) divided by the total sales revenue available in that market.
It can also be expressed as a company's unit sales volume (in a market) divided by the total volume of units sold in that market.
An application can contain several EcoSpaces; classes can be divided among them by using UML packages.
The resources that can be received by the Business Glossary REST API are divided in two major sets.
Business GlossaryRESTAPI可以接收的资源主要分为两个数据集。
It can be correctly divided by the use of the information of its syntax, context and frequency of occurrence.
According to its office form, may generally be divided into fire, in parallel and diesel engine parallel arranged, power supply or by both alone can supply side by side.
The system can be divided into three modular by function, sensing data acquisition part, wireless data transmitting part, and universal serial interface part.
When the compressed data in encrypted way is transmitted by using SVPN, it can be divided into two parts: key information and assistant information and only the key information needs to be encrypted.
LuLi's prose can be divided into periods, marked separately by his three collections:Sea Stars, Bamboo Knife and Imprisoned Green.
The design responded to this challenge by proposing an extremely lightweight structure and a structure whihc can be divided in components easily so that the transport to the site became possible.
Terms of shipment: the Seller shall arrange the transportation by fast vessel (s) and can be divided into two separate shipments according to the contract.
The SI joints can be divided into anterior and posterior and are held together by the anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments.
This distance can be divided into a systematic part, which can be managed by the futures exchange, and a random part, which is beyond its control.
The new explanation also says that if a home is purchased by both sets of parents and the marriage ends in divorce, the value of the asset can be divided according to each side's contribution.
The ultrafiltration constant is introduced to this model, by which the steady ultrafiltration process can be divided into two types: in the presence of cake and in the absence of cake.
The factors that influence real estate cycle fluctuation can be divided into endogenous and exogenous factors. Each of factors provided the influence by its mechanism.
Along the gradient zone of ecotone between oasis and desert, 3 zones can be divided clearly by the change of soil water content.
The effect towards brand loyalty made by brand experience can be divided into directly driving effect and indirectly moderating effect.
Chinese characters are written by combining various kinds of "strokes". These strokes can be divided into "basic" strokes and "combined" strokes.
Chinese characters are written by combining various kinds of "strokes". These strokes can be divided into "basic" strokes and "combined" strokes.