At this point, you can stop the daemon (which eliminates the FD and, hence, the deleted file), copy the temporary file to where it is expected, and then restart the daemon.
CONCLUTION: Conventional therapy plus paroxetine can improve the symptoms of FD and control the depression and anxiety disorder effectively.
Results Anti HP therapy can improve manifestation and pathological condition of FD patients. This implies that HP infection may be a major cause of FD.
FD: Ok, Sir, can I have your room card?
XSPWS can increase regulation and stability of EGG in patients with dyskinesia - like FD. It can also improve the function of gastric motility.
Experimental results show that the method based on MFD is more reliable than that on FD and can improve the accuracy of detection.
The result shows that, by means of the intellective FD method, the shape of powder particle, the statistical distribution features can be quantitatively described.
The finite difference beam propagation method(FD-BPM) can simulate the performance of the waveguide accurately.
FD-TD is a numerical method to seek the solution of-Maxwell equation in time domain, which can be used to analyze the interactions between electromagnetic field and complicated objects.
时域有限差分(FD - TD)法是麦氏方程的差分形式的数值解法,用于求解任意复杂目标与电磁场的相互作用问题。
And when a system like NPP's is studied, the FD results based on the above methods even can not be proved in theory.
And when a system like NPP's is studied, the FD results based on the above methods even can not be proved in theory.