Can it be possible that we come from UFO's?
Can it be possible that the spiders can fly?Otherwise, how could the first silk have been drawn from one eave to the other with the width of more than ten feet?
How is it possible that even an evil person can be saved merely through faith in the vow?
In fact, the sky is so clear in Vicuna that it is possible to see many stars that can be seen only with advanced instruments in other parts of the world.
It is possible that through authentication, a user can log in to a system but, through authorization, not be allowed to do anything.
Whatever it is, try to be as specific as possible, because then, you can "start to work on what needs to be done to get to that ideal life five years from now, " says Stone.
For example, it is not always possible to determine if a message is used as an input or output since the definitions of the message and the operations that use it can be in separate files.
If no maximum limit is set on the maximum number of session objects that can be held in memory, then it is possible to have many session objects during peak user load time.
One aspect of making this possible is to model core business processes and transform them into executable IT artifacts that can be run automatically by a business process engine.
That raises the question of whether it is possible to “treat” this romantic state clinically, as can be done with OCD.
As you feel urgency, you'll be surprised how much work you can accomplish just because you maintain the belief that it is possible (and urgent) to succeed.
In the following steps, we'll try to make the build file as generic as possible, so that it can easily be reused for other projects.
But it is possible that in the top job he can at least learn to be a more generous and inclusive colleague.
Once segmented, with appropriate software it is possible to change the segmentation so that the translation memory document can be used in other situations with other software.
Dr Venter reckons that even with existing technology, it should be possible to turn out ten times more fuel per hectare than can be garnered from maize.
Through instituting policies, standard measures, and controls, it is possible to establish governance decisions that can be enforced within the processes of an organization.
This is possible because the static analysis tool provides examples of each of the issues that it can identify, along with a description of how the issue can be resolved.
This portion of WSDL is extensible, which means that anybody can come up with their own binding so that it may be possible to access the service through some customized protocol.
Every possible fault that a service can throw must be explicitly defined in the XML, otherwise the client will not know about it and will not be able to receive it.
While it is possible that kidnappers have obtained uniforms and can masquerade as police or soldiers, Campbell says Mexicans have good reason to be skeptical.
Because forms can be converted into XML so easily, it is now possible to build systems that are driven primarily by business objectives in intuitive ways, rather than by abstract computing paradigms.
It should soon be possible to make blood vessels that can be stored and used "off the shelf" for surgery that requires arteries or veins to be bypassed.
I could go on about the exciting world of Linked data and how it may be possible some day to share our vast music resources as data sets that can be connected to your community.
Ah, heavens, she said, is it possible that my poor children whom he has swallowed down for his supper, can be still alive.
These will act as failure plans, so that the FDIC can be ready to push whatever buttons it must to ensure that the financial markets are impacted as minimally as possible by a firm's resolution.
You must know as soon as possible when performance is substandard so that it can be corrected immediately.
It would be very difficult to build software that can derive that relationship from all the possible ways to express it in XML.
For each entry in the storage pool, it is possible to configure the minimum size of a chunk that can be allocated from that entry.
For each entry in the storage pool, it is possible to configure the minimum size of a chunk that can be allocated from that entry.