"Poor little Danish grey-bird," said the Canary; "you have been caught too."
Like the proverbial canary in a coal mine, the nearly 10, 000 known bird species act as "environmental barometers" whose populations can appraise the greater well-being of their habitats.
Tommy: I cleaned the bird cage and the canary disappeared.
Zapiro, a leading South African cartoonist, has depicted George Bush responding to bird flu by bombing Turkey and the Canary Isles, and has shown doctors finding his brain during a colonoscopy.
Zapiro作为南非一位最主要的漫画家,他创作的漫画描绘了乔治•布什通过轰炸土耳其(Turkey又有火鸡的意思)和 加那利群岛(Canary有金丝雀的意思)来应对禽流感,还描绘了医生在给布什做结肠镜检查时却看到了布什的大脑(讽刺布什没有大脑)。
A small finch (Serinus canaria) native to the Canary Islands that is greenish to yellow and has LONG. been bred as a cage bird.
They are native home of the canary bird.
A small finch (Serinus canaria) native to the Canary Islands that is greenish to yellow and hAS long been bred AS a cage bird.
A small finch (Serinus canaria) native to the Canary Islands that is greenish to yellow and hAS long been bred AS a cage bird.