Children like to indulge in candy and ice-cream.
It's not just candy and ice cream we're talking about.
When Sally and her parents go to dinner, Betsy wants candy and ice cream.
Like all-you-can-eat shrimp or the right to consume candy and ice cream all day because your parents can't stop you anymore, unlimited vacation time isn't quite as fabulous as you might think.
就像自助餐吃大虾和随意吃糖果冰淇淋而没有父母唠叨一样,“无限假期”其实也没有你想的那么光鲜。 。
On Saturday afternoons, Mr. Kirby would walk with me to the convenience store around the corner and let me pick out a dollar's worth of candy or gum or ice cream or whatever I wanted.
The only thing that changes is what goes in the blank: pizza, cheese, ice cream, potato chips, candy bars, and so on.
Foods high in carbohydrates include: Cereals milk, cakes, candy, sugar, ice cream, dates, figs, chocolate, cakes, fruit pie, potatoes, spaghetti, honey, and jam.
After all, chips, candy, and ice cream are not going to give you the abs you always dreamed of.
It must be something like ice cream, cotton candy and rabbit's fur.
This sign loves cookies, candy, and ice cream.
Snow is like ice cream. It's soft like cotton candy and white like the rabbit's fur.
Baked food, beverage, ice cream, ice cream, candy and jelly.
Green Apple, Vanilla, Orange, Berries, Fruits and nuts, Plant leaves, Chocolate, Candy and marshmallows, ICE CREAM, Cookies, Sweet Land.
Pink and purple Cotton Candy-flavored ice cream has been a sweet indulgence since 2004.
There were refreshments given and a concession stand available if you wanted to buy ice-cream or candy . everyone cheered and clapped after each event.
For use with hard ice cream or to finely grind candy ingredients Great for making milk shakes or mixing candies, fruits and nuts with soft serve for dessert treats.
You don't think that ice-cream or cake or candy or even bread and potatoes made out of these things will taste very good?
They know that money can be used to buy things like baseball CARDS, ice cream, candy, and balloons.
Wish kid Addy is like many little girls her age. She loves cotton candy, chocolate chip ice cream, sparkles, rainbows, reading and coloring, particularly with pink and purple.
Wish kid Addy is like many little girls her age. She loves cotton candy, chocolate chip ice cream, sparkles, rainbows, reading and coloring, particularly with pink and purple.