And how does it avoid becoming a crutch for markets that cannot stand up on their own?
In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together—most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.
He makes accusations amid media fanfare and then quietly drops them when he cannot find evidence that would stand up in court.
But we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy, and his forces step up their assaults on cities like Benghazi and Misrata.
Liu also cannot stand that Zhao barely does housework. When the couple lived together, it's always Liu that washed his clothes, tidied up the apartment and cooked meals.
You just don't know when you will wake up in the morning and you cannot put your foot on the floor and stand up.
It cannot float to stand up on water.
Rivals like Russia or China cannot match our influence around the world -- unless we give up what we stand for, and turn ourselves into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors.
In the book, the heroine named Doudian cannot stand secret love. She decides to be brave in the pursuit of love and grows up during the process.
In the book, the heroine named Doudian cannot stand secret love. She decides to be brave in the pursuit of love and grows up during the process.