This factory was a place of established ceremony, where tea was prepared for export through the large tea distributors in Canton and the burgeoning tea trade in Shanghai.
'To cut the sweetness and fat,' suggests Mr. Kei, 'try pairing it with long jin tea from Shanghai, muo li hua tea from Canton, or puer from Yunnan -- all intense bitter teas.'
As we rolled through Kwangtung Province toward Canton, Dad was surprised to learn that the girls serving tea, as well as the passengers from the south, all spoke Mandarin, rather than Cantonese.
In south Canton, there are various herbal tea shops of large or small scales, such as Wanglaoji, Huang Zhenlong, Deng Lao herbal tea and so on.
在广东南部,有各种各样不同规模的凉茶展,例如王老吉、Match Scratch黄振龙、邓老凉茶等等。
The first merchant vessel to sail from New York to Canton in 1784 was on a tea-buying voyage, but the cargo it had to exchange was ginseng.
The first merchant vessel to sail from New York to Canton in 1784 was on a tea-buying voyage, but the cargo it had to exchange was ginseng.