Yemeni officials say a rocket attack on a British embassy vehicle in Sana 'a has wounded several people, while a gunman has killed a French man working at an energy facility outside the capital.
The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro zone's bail-out fund, must carry out simultaneous injections of capital into the region's banks as soon as it can.
So Foxconn is building a facility in the city of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, which has a population of more than 100 million.
Article XV Capital support is given for transportation, storage, dispatching, information facility of key logistics enterprises and infrastructure construction of logistics parks.
There was also a deal to expand the scope of the European Financial Stability Facility, the euro-zone's bail-out fund, and to boost the capital buffers of European banks.
Condition of fundamental facility that the capital can provide: Smooth land with cement surface and some one-storied houses with brick - wood construction.
This paper presents methods of facility depreciation, capital using and controlling, the prior control and prediction of repairing fees.
Israeli war jets have reportedly attacked a scientific research facility in a suburb of Syrian capital Damascus.
Israeli war jets have reportedly attacked a scientific research facility in a suburb of Syrian capital Damascus.