Company manage structure 's essence is a kind of system arrange which is between manpower capital and non-manpower capital about enterprise ownership.
The main aim of this article is to discuss the impact pf ownership on capital structure.
Whether ownership structure is reasonable or not greatly influences the validity of corporate governance and capital structure. At present, governance structure of our listed companies is not perfect.
In the current national ownership structure, the reasonable capital formation rate or savings rate should not over 32.4%, accordingly, the consumption rate should not below 67.6%.
For a sample of 991 firms from capital market in year 2000, we define the concept of shareholder protection according to equity ownership structure and study its relationship to the cash holdings.
The state-owner Diversified has an effect on the relationship between ownership structure and capital structure.
The results show that firm size, capital structure, ownership concentration, asset management and other factors affecting the listed tourism companies' financial performance.
Corporate financial strategy is summed up in two structures which should be grasped: Capital structure and Ownership structure.
The main reasons for low performance of equity refinancing are: The low efficiency of capital use, lower rates of assets and liabilities and special ownership structure.
As the separation of ownership and operating rights, Stockholders and manager exists potential interest conflict which may be reflected on capital structure.
Whether ownership structure is reasonable or not greatly influences the validity of corporate governance and capital structure.
Finally, policy recommendations are put forward to promote listed companies to make the correct choice of ownership structure and capital structure in China.
Nevertheless, compare with previous unilateral investment and capital deviation behavior, ownership structure reform will bring a big impact on China's financial system reform.
The scarcity and specificity of material capital is alleviating, which leads to the suspicion of material capital monopolizing the firm ownership structure and sharing the firm residual.
Recently, how ownership structure affects capital structure and the relation between them are more and more becoming a hotspot of corporate finance.
In the current national ownership structure, the reasonable capital formation rate or savings rate should not over. %, accordingly, the consumption rate should not below 7. %.
In the current national ownership structure, the reasonable capital formation rate or savings rate should not over. %, accordingly, the consumption rate should not below 7. %.