Whereas the introduction of an entirely new technology, such as flash storage, gives the advantage to new players who can capitalize on the opportunity and commercialize it more quickly.
It is about how you operationalize and subsequently capitalize on market opportunity.
I therefore call on donors to capitalize on this historic opportunity, and help fund the full implementation of the new polio eradication strategic plan for 2010-2012.
因此,我呼吁各捐助方利用这一历史性机遇,帮助提供资金,来全面实施新的2010 - 2012年消灭脊灰战略计划。
He also opens up the possibility that a partnership will help him capitalize on the new market opportunity.
Everyone should capitalize on his opportunity.
There is no stopping the success of Disney's "Frozen" and what better way to capitalize on this opportunity than to create a sequel.
You have a great deal of flexibility in planning your visits, along with the opportunity to capitalize on significant events throughout the year for each club.
Tactically, reserves are kept to allow maximum opportunity to regain the initiative, maintain the capability for freedom of action, and have the ability to capitalize on unexpected situations.
Tactically, reserves are kept to allow maximum opportunity to regain the initiative, maintain the capability for freedom of action, and have the ability to capitalize on unexpected situations.