I answered emails today while I was waiting for my car oil and filter to be changed.
Most oil companies take there standard passenger car oil and increase the Zinc content, and call it Racing oil.
For instance, I know a capable company boss, who is also an expert in private cars and very skillful at changing car oil, even more efficiently than a mechanic.
Not only does the standard passenger car oil not work it needs to be fortified with additional additives just to get back to the minimum requirement of a racing engine oil.
In order to avoid the attack of these illnesses, should contact the use of timing conditions to car oil, and moderate oil, usually between upper and lower oil scale as well.
Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly.
Top the car up with oil before you set off.
The car wheels spun and slipped on some oil on the road.
The earliest car engines ran on fuel made from corn and peanut oil, didn't they?
When people began to realise that there was not enough oil on the earth, they asked car makers to produce more efficient and less polluting cars.
Car usage is also only one aspect of China's increasing oil demand.
Your friend texts you about their frustrating day, your taxes have to be filed, the radio spouts news of another disaster somewhere, and you still haven't taken your car in for its oil change.
Taking the car for an oil change and tune-up never hurts either.
If powerful car companies like VW agreed to reduce the fuel consumption of its entire fleet by making more efficient cars, oil consumption would be drastically reduced.
Today with a gasoline car, you buy your car and then you basically have a subscription with an oil company — Exxon, Chevron, whoever.
Demand for oil is growing much more slowly in China and India, for example, and car sales are down in both countries.
Substitute "car" for "camera" and you have a story that should concern thoughtful bosses in the motor and oil industries.
"I can imagine a world where you take your car in every six months to get your oil changed and go next door and get your ultrasound for 50 bucks," she said.
Imagine buying a car, driving it off the lot and never checking or changing the oil, filling it up with gas, or getting regular tune ups.
Many of us don't care what brand of oil goes in our car as long as it does the job, and we don't care what label is on the DVD player when we have a movie night at home.
This output is analogous to the oil dipstick in a car.
So take his car to be inspected, or bring her car in for an oil change.
It is a wise choice to carry an extra quart of oil, a gallon of gas, and a gallon of water in your car when making a road trip.
Some biodiesels made from used cooking-oil leave a car exhaust smelling like a fast-food joint.
Ford Motor Company's biomaterial researchers have engineered a patent-pending formula to use renewable soy oil to improve rubber car parts and make them more environmentally friendly.
Oil companies are drilling into rock layers where every square centimeter (0.16 square inch) is subject to pressure equivalent to the weight of a medium-sized car.
You change the oil in your car and put gas in the tank because you don't take your car's function for granted. It needs fuel and care to get going.
To keep your car purring, you have to change the oil. Such maintenance produces eight billion gallons of used motor oil annually.
The effect of car care best practices, such as changing your oil or checking a tire's air pressure, is not implicit unless we have measurements to quantify what we gained or lost.
The effect of car care best practices, such as changing your oil or checking a tire's air pressure, is not implicit unless we have measurements to quantify what we gained or lost.