The car seat belt slotted into place easily.
What kind of car seat are you buying?
Heating car seat cushion is now gradually become the new darling.
General car seat materials are leather, fabric, cashmere, wool length.
Plug in a power strip and create your own technology playground under your car seat.
Precious cargo row (shoulders) : Buckle baby into the car seat and place next to a chair.
Would anything stop the shrieking short of a ride in the car seat up and down the 405 Freeway?
For more than 30 years, she and her mother have worked to strengthen and expand state car seat laws.
But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great, memorable vacations don't happen in a car seat.
Other harnesses attach to a standard car seat belt, with the other end secured around the dog's torso.
Make sure your child is properly secured in a car seat and that the seat belt or shoulder belt fits tightly.
Give the user some sort of safety check that will ensure that the car seat is properly installed in the car.
Close to? 138.38 will go on a pushchair, an average of? 70.03 for the first car seat and around? 51.96 on a high chair.
But she isn't looking for a spot. She's in search of the car seat installation team from Children's Hospital of Alabama.
Paige needs a new car seat installed and is excited to finally have her son's rear-facing seat flipped around so she can see him.
When Polly refuses toeat her food or get into the car seat or put down some object she’s notsupposed to have, her parents just count.
Rear-facing seats:Keep infants in the back seat in a rear-facing car seat until a minimum of age 1 and a weight of at least 20 pounds.
There's Mr. Brown punching the back of a car seat while yet another aide, in a visualized thought bubble, imagines Mr. Brown punching him.
布朗一拳打在车子座椅靠背上,一名助手的脑海里禁不住浮现布朗的拳头打到自己身上的情 形。
On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it.
While most of the activities here can easily be adapted to a car ride, there are a few activities that are great for a toddler who’s tired of being in the car seat.
这里提到的大部分游戏都很适合在车子里。 然而,还有几个活动很适合孩子,当他们在车上坐累了的时候。
In a head-on collision, a rear-facing car seat spreads the energy of the crash across the toddler's entire back, not just across a narrow portion of a tiny body.
It is woven into the car seat cushion has a soft feel, good surface finish, good drapability, good moisture absorption and air permeability and high strength and excellent properties.
It is woven into the car seat cushion has a soft feel, good surface finish, good drapability, good moisture absorption and air permeability and high strength and excellent properties.