We now know the age of the glaciation accurately from radiometric dating of the carbon-14 in logs buried in the drift.
Carbon dating works by comparing the amount of carbon 14, which is a less common and less stable form of carbon, to the more abundant carbon 12.
The project aims to find Lisa's bones and possibly reconstruct her face using carbon dating, DNA analysis and forensic techniques.
Find a good description of the dating process here. After carbon-14 spread throughout the globe, tiny amounts of the gas were taken up by the slow-growing mosses.
在碳- 14散布到全球之后,微量的这种气体被缓慢生长的苔藓吸收。
So this carbon dating, all it's really doing is measuring that. It gives a number for it.
For decades, archaeologists have used a technique called carbon dating to work out how old their finds are.
In the case of the lotus, the age was worked out by carbon dating of the fruit.
The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed.
Legend has it that the tree is 7000 years old, but Sussman has found carbon-dating studies indicating it is a mere 2200 years old.
Carbon dating and infrared analysis of Leonardo's techniques back up the theory.
Strange as it may seem this theory could explain a lot of the problems with the world and things such as carbon dating.
The archaeologists said in the statement that radio-carbon dating put the construction of the circle of bluestones at between 2,400 B.C. and 2,200 B.C., a few centuries later than originally thought.
And we have a lot of schools and colleges planning carbon dating events.
Rob: Did she just say carbon dating events?
For example, heart muscle cells have two nuclei, which means the DNA could be in there twice, so this could screw up the carbon 14 dating.
Carbon dating showed that the vegetation had not seen the sun since at least near the start of the Little Ice Age, some 400 years ago.
Radio carbon dating puts the origin of the shroud between 1260 C. E. and 1390 C. E., consistent with the theory that it was a forgery.
Carbon dating provides the archaeologist with a basic chronological framework.
According to carbon dating, millet and rice in China and southeastern Asia were domesticated about 3000 BC: and corn and beans in Mexico about 7000bc.
According to the result of environment tritium math-physical model and carbon-14 age dating, think the renew ability of the thermal water in study area is confined and inhomogeneity.
根据环境氚的数学物理模型计算和碳- 14测年结果,关中盆地热水可更新性具有有限性和非均一性特点。
Virtual Dating Radiocarbon (Carbon-14) applies to once-living materials that are less than 50,000 years old.
Virtual Dating Radiocarbon (Carbon-14) applies to once-living materials that are less than 50,000 years old.