That's why Ahnert hopes that cabruca can become part of the carbon credit market.
People who fly more than that would have to buy carbon credits on the equivalent of a credit card.
One carbon credit equals one metric ton of carbon-dioxide or other equivalent greenhouse gases.
"Farmers can sell the carbon they have stored in their trees through a carbon credit stock market," Guyette said.
Companies and individuals rushing to go green have been spending millions on carbon credit projects that are yielding few if any e...
Reduce your electric bill by about $200, for instance, and you’ll generate a carbon credit, which is equal to roughly one ton of carbon saved.
Extensive areas of grassland in the upper tropical Andes, South America, have already been planted with pine trees, paid for by carbon credit schemes.
Opinion is divided, but many scientists now believe carbon credit schemes (where carbon dioxide emissions are offset using techniques such as planting trees) do more damage than good.
The research comes as efforts intensify to find a way to include protection for tropical forests in carbon credit schemes, as part of a new global climate deal to replace the Kyoto protocol.
For example, one dubious accounting measure being proposed here would mean that for every tree planted a country would receive a carbon credit, but for every tree felled they may not be debited.
A Green credit mechanism needs to be set up to promote a new mode of financing and create innovative financial carbon products.
There are other possible methods, for example the use of carbon-credit markets.
My Emissions Exchange sells the credit on your behalf on the voluntary carbon market at a going rate of between $10 and $25, taking a 20 percent cut on all sales.
We might consider, for example, extending the earned income tax credit all the way up through the middle class, and paying for it with a tax on carbon.
By preventing methane from escaping into the atmosphere, Bunge creates a credit which it can sell on the carbon market.
Let's offset the nonsense, begin to give carbon some honest credit it deserves, and put a cap on those who malign it to advance special agendas.
The European Union argues that one credit must equal one tonne of carbon dioxide for its Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest emissions market, to be effective.
Green credit mechanism needs to be set up to promote a new mode of financing and create innovative financial carbon products.
The New Economics Foundation (NEF) will meet with other experts at an event in London this week to find a solution to unemployment, the credit crisis and reducing the country's carbon footprint.
In addition, Haier strives to build up the credit of "it is proper to live in the low-carbon city".
In addition, Haier strives to build up the credit of "it is proper to live in the low-carbon city".