The city wants to use its experience to become a leader in offshore wind, tidal power and carbon dioxide capture and storage.
Such low carbon power projects use fossil fuels such as natural gas , petroleum coke or coal for power generation combined with carbon dioxide capture and storage technology.
Many have proposed abandoning the term geoengineering in favor of solar radiation management and carbon (or carbon dioxide) capture and storage.
Shu insists his new facility can be good for the environment because it is equipped to capture and condense carbon dioxide for possible storage.
The leading technology for carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves capturing carbon-dioxide gas then storing it underground in oil and gas reservoirs, and other porous areas.
In fact, the technology that the industry is counting on to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions that add to global warning - carbon capture and storage - is not now commercially available.
With carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere marching ever upwards and warming the planet, researchers are keen to investigate so called "carbon capture and storage" (CCS) solutions.
The ideal locations for carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems are at the very power plants that emit tons of carbon dioxide every day.
The ideal locations for carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems are at the very power plants that emit tons of carbon dioxide every day.