Black carbon soot alone, which occurs when combustion is incomplete, is responsible for 30 percent of that melt.
Third, pollution from trucks and smoke covers glaciers with carbon soot so that their surfaces become darker and less reflective - causing them to melt more quickly.
These are pollutants, particularly ozone and soot, that do not hang around in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide does.
Atmospheric brown clouds are made up mostly of soot - suspended carbon particles - produced by people burning biomass and fossil fuels.
The soot produced by burning fossil fuels has a stronger warming effect because it contains a higher ratio of black carbon to sulfate, which reflects sunlight to produce a cooling effect.
A new study confirms that black carbon — more commonly known as soot — is a significant player in global warming.
But pyrolytic stoves produce almost no soot-the carbon is all locked into the biochar.
Beyond warming the atmosphere, black carbon can also speed the melting of glaciers by literally turning them black - soot on snow makes the ice heat up faster.
Cutting the black carbon, or soot, produced by burning fossil fuels, vegetation, dung and other sources could reduce global warming.
Cutting that source of black carbon could help reduce the estimated 1.5 million premature deaths per year attributed to biofuel soot, Jacobson said.
At the moment, most eyes are on soot (or "black carbon", as jargon-loving researchers refer to it).
Some of the carbon therefore ends up as soot, rather than carbon dioxide, and oxygen that should be combining with carbon combines with nitrogen from the air instead.
But soot - also known as black carbon - from millions of villages like this one in developing countries, is emerging as a major and previously unappreciated source of global climate change.
A major disadvantage of coal combustion-and characteristic of industrial cities-has been air pollution by soot, dust, ash, exhaust and large amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
By cutting carbon dioxide emissions as well as controlling soot and methane, the global temperature change could be kept under 2 degrees Celsius (4 degrees Fahrenheit) in the short term.
As space tourism increases, the soot and carbon dioxide emitted from rockets will contribute to climate change, new computer models predict.
Beyond the heating effects of carbon dioxide and the other greenhouse gases, there are the effects of converting land from one use to another and filling parts of the sky with soot and smog.
An unusually hot summer set such fires across the country and the peatlands around Moscow generated a smog that blanketed the city with carbon monoxide and soot.
The researchers found that the effect of soot, which is incompletely burned fuel, would dwarf that of the carbon dioxide emissions from the launches.
The inks of antiquity were made of soot: nearly pure carbon, the same stuff that the charred papyri now consist of.
Combustion is incomplete, so a lot of black carbon (soot) is emitted.
Biomass pellet machine solid fuel low ash low sulfur, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and soot particle emissions is far less than coal-fired power generation.
Taking the carbon black similar to soot as the test material, the oil's dispersancy is evaluated through the oil's viscosity change after blending the carbon black into the oil under high speed.
Black carbon, a key component of soot, plays a much larger role in global warming than previously estimated, scientists have found.
The production and use of carbon black workers, such as long-term sucked soot dust can produce carbon black pneumoconiosis.
The severe impact of black carbon (soot) on climate change has been known about for years.
The black soot deposited on a kettle by a smoky campfire is nearly pure carbon.
One study calculated that air pollution(from soot, mostly, not carbon dioxide) has reduced the life expectancy of citizens of northern China by about 5.5 years (see article).
One study calculated that air pollution(from soot, mostly, not carbon dioxide) has reduced the life expectancy of citizens of northern China by about 5.5 years (see article).