The Mn recovery is over 80%, a new process of enriching and recovering Mn from low-grade manganese carbonate ore.
For the manganese carbonate ore from Tongluojing Mine of Zunyi, there is little slime in the primary ore but much in the secondary ore.
Based on the treatment of manganese carbonate ore by microwave heating, the characteristics of temperature rising of manganese carbonate fines containing coal by microwave heating are researched.
The technical approach of acidic leaching of pyrolusite ore, purifying of manganese leaching solution, and crystallizing of manganese carbonate from purified manganese solution was studied.
The high purity manganese carbonate is prepared by the process of leaching, removing impurities and crystallizing from Guangxi's low grade manganese ore.
This paper presents, the barch test results of combined flowsheet of ore dressing-metallurgy for Da Xin manganese Carbonate ores.
This paper presents, the barch test results of combined flowsheet of ore dressing-metallurgy for Da Xin manganese Carbonate ores.